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Dirty Divorces: Homewreckers or Survivors by Miss KP (15888 hits)

Dirty Divorces: Homewreckers or Survivors by Miss KP

What do you think of people who go into a relationship with a married person, hoping for a future divorce? Are they victims or monsters? Should they expect a committed relationship from the cheater?

Imagine a s*xy, well dressed guy wooing you from the start. He meets your family and your kids, impresses your best friend, and tells you all the things you’ve always wanted to hear. A dream comes true. Soon, he’s spending all his time with you, at your beck and call, causing you to put the rest of the world on pause.

Months later, or even a year…imagine the day the he proposes. “Aweeee, so sweet,” I’m sure most are saying right now. Now Stop! Imagine this…you find out he’s married, maybe even with kids. But he tells you, “No worries. I’m leaving my wife. She knows I’m in love with you.”

Like an idiot, you smile. “Okay.” Witlessly, you think you’ve won a prize. You brag to your friends. “So what he’s married, he doesn’t love her anymore. And he’s getting a divorce!” Like the trophy girlfriend you stand by your man and let love take its course.

The love triangle continues and finally his Dirty Divorce is over. Unfortunately, your drama is just beginning. Three months into the new relationship you’re up to bat. You just got dogged, even caught him red-handed yourself. “Aweeeee no,” most of you are probably saying right now.

Why would any female think that if a man is willing to break his vows with one woman then he wouldn’t with the next one? Marriage is sacred and should be honored by every living person. However, nowadays people divorce, and switch up mates just as they do sports teams. Why aren’t we in it for the long haul? And whatever happened to respect for someone else’s marriage?

Yes, things happen, some more hurtful than others. Surely some situations can be forgiven; but not all. Let’s chat about this today. Give me your thoughts on the following situations. What about your mate being out on a dinner date with someone else, is this cheating? How would you rate a secret phone call or s*xually explicit text message? Does a **** photo on your mate’s phone point toward cheating? What about catching your spouse in bed with someone else? Ask yourself, would you take your man back? Or would you run downtown and file papers?

In some instances these are just normal folks who aren’t perfect and who got lost in not taking care of themselves and their marriage. And some; are just plain foul, disrespecting the institution of marriage. They live for Dirty Divorces.

Community Discussion:
What's your thoughts on cheating, settling, man-sharing and divorce?

What do you think of people who go into a relationship with a married person, hoping for a future divorce? Are they victims or monsters? Should they expect a committed relationship from the cheater?


Check out the newly released novels The Dirty Divorce 1 and 2 written by Miss KP at Life Changing Books ( L.C.B):

About the Author
Miss KP began writing in high school as an outlet to express her emotions as a teenager. She would write poetry and has even written unpublished songs. However, after feeling as if she had much more to say, she decided to purchase a laptop and began working on her first novel, which we now know as Dirty Divorce, Part 1.

Just months after a good friend introduced her to publisher, Azarel; Miss KP’s dreams came true. She became a published author with the Life Changing Books (L.C.B) family with a #1 hit behind her name. Along with being an author, Miss KP works in the fashion industry as a Merchandise Manager in prominent department store. A native Washingtonian, Miss KP currently resides in Maryland with her eight year old daughter, and is awaiting the release of her second and most anticipated novel of 2010, The Dirty Divorce- Part 2, ISBN-10: 1934230774.

For more information on Miss KP or her books, visit her website at:

Posted By: EDC Creations
Monday, February 28th 2011 at 11:47AM
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